Master's programs in the specialty Economics at ONMU

Do you wish to improve your qualifications or change your profession? Choose a master's educational program in the specialty Economics at Odesa National Maritime University


The master's educational and professional program "Financial and economic security" in the specialty ECONOMICS in the field of knowledge Social and behavioral sciences is aimed at training highly qualified economics professionals, who possess modern economic thinking, capable of solving complex research, innovation and management tasks and problems of the functioning of economic systems at various levels, which are characterized by the uncertainty of conditions and requirements, to ensure the financial and economic security of enterprises of any branch of the economy, including enterprises of the maritime industry, which will allow to solve complex problems of prevention of risks and threats, to form a system of protection of the economic interests of enterprises.
The volume of the program is 90 ECTS creditsThe term of full-time, part-time and distance study is 1 year, 4 months
The program has an applied nature and gives an opportunity to form an individual educational trajectory by choosing a part of the disciplines taking into account the interests of students.


Compulsory courses:

● Professional English● Project management● Methodology of scientific research and teaching methods of economic disciplines● Global economy● Quantitative methods in economics● Strategy of national economic development● Corporate and business strategy● Investment analysis and risk assessment● Financial and economic security● Economic diagnostics● Financial monitoring● Economic intelligence● International financial reporting standards

  • Illustration

    Guarantor of Financial and economic security program – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Economics and Finance Nataliia Smentyna
    E-mail: au.gro.umno%40fe.anytnems

Financial and economic security must be ensured at every enterprise, regardless of its field of activity, form and scale of business. Therefore, the educational and professional program "Financial and Economic Security" at the Odesa National Maritime University is definitely your right choice for obtaining a full higher education or advanced training.

The educational and professional program provides knowledge of the conceptual foundations of the organization and management of the system of financial and economic security of market entities and the components of the mechanism of its provision. Provides a number of in-depth courses on financial monitoring, economic diagnostics, economic intelligence, international financial reporting standards.
It forms specialists with innovative thinking, capable of producing new ideas and solving complex problems, as well as conducting scientific research on avoiding and preventing risks and protecting the economic interests of business entities from possible threats.

Elective courses:

● Cyber security in the enterprise
● Assessment of business value
● Financial controlling
● Financial accounting
● International economic law
● Creative technologies and innovations
● Mergers and acquisitions
● Regulation of the economy and social and labor relations
● Social and environmental projects
● Statistics for economists
● and others.

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     The educational program is unique for the educational market of Ukraine due to its focus on the study of issues of financial and economic security of enterprises, including, taking into account the specifics of maritime business and other sectors of the economy
     The program provides in-depth knowledge of international financial reporting standards
     The program has an applied nature and provides an opportunity to form an individual educational trajectory by choosing a part of disciplines taking into account the interests of students
     You will receive a state diploma of international standard
     We have full-time, part-time and distance education, it is possible to study completely remotely, even if you are abroad
     It is possible to participate in exchange programs with universities of EU countries
     Master classes from leading specialists in the field of financial and economic security of enterprises

  • To obtain a full higher education, you can enter a master's degree on the basis of a bachelor's degree in any specialty.

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    The cost of the contract at ONMU for the educational program "Financial and Economic Security" in 2024: full-time - UAH 43,200. - in just one year and 4 months, in correspondence and remote forms - UAH 38,880. in just a year and 4 months. Monthly payment is possible.

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The master's educational and professional program "Economics of maritime transport" with specialty 051 ECONOMICS in the field of knowledge 05 Social and behavioral sciences is unique for the educational market of Ukraine, as it is implemented in a unique university, which has huge experience in scientific and pedagogical activities in the field of economics and management of maritime transport, as well as highly qualified scientific and pedagogical staff of transport specialists who are part of the transport community.
The volume of the program is 90 ECTS credits
The term of full-time, part-time and distance study is 1 year, 4 months

The program is intended for those who are building their career in the maritime industry. It takes into account the industry specifics of the activities of shipping companies, port and transport service companies. 

What will you be able to do after completing your master's degree?

What will you be able to do after completing your master's degree?●Calculate and analyze the income, expenses and financial results of maritime transport enterprises, prepare financial statements.●Diagnose the financial condition of shipping companies, stevedoring enterprises and maritime transport service enterprises.●Develop all types of maritime transport enterprises strategies. ●Manage the personnel of maritime transport enterprises and work in a team. ● Justify management decisions on the effective development of maritime transport enterprises, taking into account goals, resources and limitations. ●Justify investment decisions of maritime enterprises taking into account risks and draw up business plans.●Apply modern methodological approaches to solving economic problems of the operation and development of maritime transport enterprises and substantiating the strategy management and improvement of their competitiveness.

Compulsory courses:

● Professional English ● Project management ● Methodology of scientific research and teaching methods of economic disciplines
● Global economy
● Quantitative methods in economics
● Strategy of national economic development
● Corporate and business strategy● Investment analysis and risk assessment● Economics of shipping companies● Economics of port operations activities● Economics of transport service companies● Commercial operation of the fleet and research of freight markets

  • Illustration

    Guarantor of EPP "Economics of Maritime Transport" - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Finance Natalya Hoteeva.
    E-mail: moc.liamg%401atarbto

Морська галузь завжди була й буде важливою для Одеського регіону, тому вибір ОПП "Економіка морського транспорту" - це можливість побудови карєри для випускників бакалаврату будь-якої спеціальності й подальшого кар'єрного зростання для фахівців транспортних підприємств. Я вірю, що студенти можуть впливати на якість своєї освіти, брати активну участь у вдосконаленні освітньої програми. Ми завжди готові підтримати їх у цьому.


Elective courses:

● Economic diagnostics● Assessment of business value● Tariffs, freights, fees in the maritime transportation system● Chartering● Management of risks in projects● International financial reporting standards● International economic law● Creative technologies and innovations● Fundamentals of commercial activity of shipping companies ● Cyber security in the enterprise● Financial controlling● Financial accounting● Mergers and acquisitions● Regulation of the economy and social and labor relations● Social and environmental projects● Statistics for economists● and others.

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    8 ADVANTAGES OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM:● The program is unique for the educational market of Ukraine●The program is implemented in a unique university that has many years of experience in scientific and pedagogical activities in the field of economics and maritime transport management●The program is intended for those who are building their career in maritime industry, takes into account industry specifics and provides in-depth knowledge in the field of shipping business, port activity and maritime transport service activity ●The program has an applied orientation and provides an opportunity to form an individual educational trajectory by choosing a part of disciplines taking into account the interests of students, in particular, studying international standards of financial reporting etc. ●You will receive an international state diploma●We have full-time and part-time forms of education, and it is possible to study completely remotely, even if you are abroad●There is an opportunity to participate in exchange programs with universities in EU countries ● Master classes from leading specialists of the marine industry

  • The cost of the contract at ONMU for the educational program "Financial and Economic Security" in 2024: full-time - UAH 43,200. - in just one year and 4 months, in correspondence and remote forms - UAH 38,880. in just a year and 4 months. Monthly payment is possible.

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If you've always dreamed of getting an education or advanced training in economics and finance, don't put this dream off! We are here to help yВаше им'яou every step of the way.

We offer counseling that will help make the admission process as simple and comfortable as possible. Do not miss the opportunity to study at Odesa National Maritime University!


  • Department: +38 (067) 976-45-05

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  • Reception committee: +38 (048) 732-23-05  

  • Site ONMU:

  • 65029, St. Mechnikova 34, Odesa, Ukraine

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